FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones


Apr 15, 2024


The FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones is a trading robot designed to capitalize on the correlation between the DAX and Dow Jones indices. Despite its potential, there are currently no reviews or ratings available, making it difficult for prospective users to gauge its effectiveness. Detailed statistics can be found on the official website here. In this review, we compare FXC iCorrelatioN with one of the EASY trading robots, such as EASY Trendopedia, to highlight why an EASY robot might be a significantly better, more profitable, and reliable choice.

Comparison with EASY Robot​

When comparing FXC iCorrelatioN with EASY Trendopedia, several key differences stand out. EASY Trendopedia has a proven track record with numerous positive reviews and high ratings. In contrast, FXC iCorrelatioN still lacks community validation.

EASY Trendopedia Advantages:
  • Extensive user feedback and proven results.
  • Optimized for trend following, ensuring profitability during trending markets.
  • Regular updates and robust support from the EASY Trading Team.

FXC iCorrelatioN Disadvantages:
  • No reviews or ratings to verify its performance.
  • Potentially risky due to lack of community validation.
  • Less transparency in trading strategies and algorithm.

Pros and Cons​

Here are the pros and cons of each robot to help you make an informed decision.

FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones
  • Pros:
    • Capitalizes on the correlation between two major indices.
    • Potential for high returns in specific market conditions.
  • Cons:
    • No user reviews or ratings.
    • Unclear algorithm and trading strategy.
    • Lack of transparency and community support.

EASY Trendopedia
  • Pros:
    • Proven track record with positive user reviews.
    • Regular software updates and improvements.
    • Transparent trading strategy.
  • Cons:
    • Requires trending market conditions to perform optimally.
    • Potentially higher initial investment.

Optimal Conditions for Using FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones​

FXC iCorrelatioN works best when there is a clear, strong correlation between the DAX and Dow Jones indices. This robot is designed to exploit arbitrage opportunities that arise when these indices move in tandem. However, its performance may be less reliable in volatile or unpredictable market conditions.


In summary, while the FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones trading robot promises potential returns by leveraging index correlations, it lacks community validation and transparency. On the other hand, EASY Trendopedia offers a more reliable and profitable option with its proven track record and robust support. We invite users to share their own experiences and reviews of FXC iCorrelatioN on forums to help others make informed decisions.

Source Code of FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones​

It's important to note that the exact source code for the FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones available on MQL5 is not disclosed. However, the EASY Trading Team can create a similar code based on the description provided on the MQL5 site. If users have any questions regarding the code, they are encouraged to ask on the forum.

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Download FXC iCorrelatioN Specialized For DAX vs Dow Jones Now​

For those interested in trying out the trading robot, you can visit the official site here. If you have questions about the code or any other inquiries, feel free to reach out on easytradingforum.com. Please note that the EASY Trading Team does not sell FXC iCorrelatioN but has created a code based on publicly available information.