Loss Recovery 2 MT4


Apr 15, 2024


The review focuses on Loss Recovery 2 MT4, a Forex Trading Robot that aims to automate your trading strategies while minimizing the risk factor. Based on the feedback gathered, the robot has an overall rating of 3.6, which signifies a fair performance in the subservient markets. This review also includes a comparative analysis of one of our EASY series trading robots, exemplifying how EASY robots outperform others in terms of profitability and reliability.

Comparison with EASY Robot​

In comparison to Loss Recovery 2 MT4, our EASY Scalperology robot boasts a more dependable and profitable strategy implementation. It is designed to detect the smallest market movements, allowing it to optimize profit from even minimal volatility. Scalperology utilizes an advanced algorithm to open positions at promising points and close them immediately after it achieves the desired profit. This strategy is in contrast to Loss Recovery 2 MT4, which has been reported to produce multiple orders simultaneously, resulting in potentially unstable trades.

Pros and Cons​

Loss Recovery 2 MT4:
  • Manages risk and recovers trades that have gone south, which proves beneficial in high volatility markets.
  • Creates multiple orders simultaneously, leading to potential instability in trades.
  • Inability to adapt to a ranging market environment, which could result in a blown-up account.

EASY Scalperology:
  • Optimizes profits from small market movements.
  • Stable and consistent in opening and closing trades.
  • Might not be suitable for a trader who prefers long-term trading strategies.

Optimal Conditions for Use​

Loss Recovery 2 MT4 works best in a highly volatile market, where it manages risk and recovers trades effectively. However, in a ranging market, it might struggle and can potentially blow up an account. On the other hand, EASY Scalperology excels in any market condition due to its reactive and flexible algorithm, making it an overall more reliable option.

Source Code of Loss Recovery 2 MT4​

While the exact source code of Loss Recovery 2 MT4 is unknown, we can build an analogous code based on its description on the MQL5 website. This code is purely hypothetical and might not correspond perfectly with the original robot's functionality. For any code-related inquiries, feel free to ask them on EASY Trading Forum. Remember, this is just an attempt to recreate the algorithm of Loss Recovery 2 MT4 based on its description, and we do not sell this Trading Robot.

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Download Loss Recovery 2 MT4 now

Interested in trying out Loss Recovery 2 MT4? Download it here and share your experiences on our forum. Remember, the best way to understand a trading robot's performance is to use it in real-time. We're eager to hear your thoughts!

Note: EASY Trading Team doesn't sell Loss Recovery 2 MT4. This is a hypothetical code based on a description from the MQL5 site.


  • Loss Recovery 2 MT4.mq5
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This Martingale EA is just a financial black hole. I've thrown my money into it and watched it vanish before my eyes. Don't get sucked into this trap.